Kammarat Paolo Spricht in Manifesto Land.

      Kammarat Paolo Spricht in Manifesto Land.


      It's to be expected that Kaputistan will become a dual mapped Nation as well.
      Meaning, it will be on the O.I.K and the Cart A.

      I know our view's on that Map are generally negative and for good reasons.
      However, there comes a time when we must confront ourselves with the question... what outweighs ,the fact that some idiots are on the Cart A or the fact that we will also find other Nations to play with and ,who knows new Friends like the USSRAT e.t Andro .
      We also stay on the O.I.K map wish will enable us to stay contact with the Friends we already have and those we are ,right now, coming into contact with.

      By now we have become the strongest Link in the USB and that means that we have responsibilities ..one of them is to go the way of reconciliation and overcome old animosities for we will have to look ahead, we are expected to do so such are the things which befall on one if placed in a stronger position.

      The situation of Manifesto Land won't be changed we are on the Baldur map and stay on it nor will our status within Kaputistan change..we are the backwater..so what??
      Ahmmmm...that's the backwhiskey not water ..

      Original txt Az orzág Kiáltvány Speech
      Lina's Huspy
      Tanzt den "Koruptika Tango"!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Paolo Lisander“ ()

      :dafuer: :dafuer: :dafuer: :dafuer:


      Clan Vater des Clans der Siddha, Präsident der SG Dynamo Más é Thoil, Träger des "Großen Väterchen Abraham-Uisge Beatha-Verdienstkreuz vom Fass" in der Stufe "Blended" und des "Verdienstorden der Kirche des freien Weges". Stärkster Mann der Welt - Olympiasieger im Gewichtheben bei den Olympischen Spielen 2004. Erster und einziger nògelischer Meister der Internationalen Oberliga. Meister und Pokalsieger 2017.
      :rstern: "Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt darauf an sie zu verändern." (Karl Marx) :faust: