1st intermicroworld games in Kalésie

      1st intermicroworld games in Kalésie


      I'm Kar Lene, the president of the french-speaking country called Kalesie.

      In September we will organize our first intermicroworld games and we would be very happy to invite your country to come and participate.

      I give you some information below. Don't hesitate to contact me to have more information.

      We will start on September 6th.
      6 sports have been selected until now:
      - flying disc
      - golf
      - race cars
      - hockey
      - handball
      - football

      If you wish to read the rules, send any e-mail to jim@kalesie.org

      Of course you can participate in one or more sports.

      If some people wants to help us to organize this event, we are looking for volunteers.

      Kalesie would need:

      - someone to help for the translation from french or english to german
      - a designer for the medals
      - some referees
      - some sponsors

      Thank you.

      Don't hesitate to invite other nations to join us.

      Kar LENE
      President of the republic of Kalesie
      Bienvenue dans Libre République Tir Na nÒg!
      Welcome in the Free Republic of Tir Na nÒg!
      Herzlich Willkommen in der Freien Republik Tir Na nÒg!

      Puis-je vous offrir quelque chose à Uisge Beatha?
      May I offer you a Uisge Beatha?
      Darf ich Ihnen einen Uisge Beatha anbieten?

      Je peux peins enquêtes ici oui si quelques-uns voudraient y participer ici.
      I can paint here surveys whether which ones would here like to take part.
      Ich kann ja mal herumfragen ob hier welche daran teilnehmen möchten.

      Benjamin O'Hara
      Nimmt da von uns irgendjemand teil?

      Clan Vater des Clans der Siddha, Präsident der SG Dynamo Más é Thoil, Träger des "Großen Väterchen Abraham-Uisge Beatha-Verdienstkreuz vom Fass" in der Stufe "Blended" und des "Verdienstorden der Kirche des freien Weges". Stärkster Mann der Welt - Olympiasieger im Gewichtheben bei den Olympischen Spielen 2004. Erster und einziger nògelischer Meister der Internationalen Oberliga. Meister und Pokalsieger 2017.
      :rstern: "Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt darauf an sie zu verändern." (Karl Marx) :faust:


      I would like that each person who wishes to participate send an e-mail to karlene@mailclub.net to say in which sport(s) you will participate. Please, also add your country, and the link (url) to it.

      I need that for Monday morning at the latest (11am), Sunday evening would be better.

      The first event will be on Monday afternoon, we will start with the flying disc.

      It would be great that each country participates to each sport as we don't have, unfortunatelly, many participants.

      Sports planned are golf, flying disc and handball. It is still time to ask for others.

      Thank you.

      Kar Lène